Tune in to in depth interviews and reports featuring environmental leaders and experts exploring the challenges, solutions and opportunities for our threatened ecologies, climate and civilisation. Presented and produced by Sean O’Shannessy on Bundjalung Country Support the show on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/EnvironmentalAsAnything (Feel free to rebroadcast any content from this podcast for non commercial purposes with proper attribution) https://www.facebook.com/EnvironmentalAsAnything/ Tune in to the Environmental as Anything Show live on 92.9 River FM every Saturday 2-5pm AEST http://2ncr.org.au/streaming.html
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
A huge show for Environmental as Anything this week:
- Tamara Smith speaks to Mia Armitage about how the Berijicklian government's Bushfire Recovery Fund scandal has harmed her electorate of Ballina.
- Janelle Saffin tells Sean O'Shannessy how her electorate of Lismore was also ripped off in the Bushfire fund rorts.
- Susie Russell from the NCEC reveals how the EPA backed the Cape Byron Power Company's legal bid to keep us in the dark about their burning our forests.
- David Morris briefs Sean on the EDO's impressive caseload including a few significant wins and ongoing actions defending the environment.
- Miriam Torzillo gets us up to speed on the Wage Peace movement and their work to stop arms dealers plying their trade in Brisbane.
- Eco News - Weekly environmental news round up from the Community News Room courtesy of Mia Armitage and the Byron Youth Radio team.
- Naomi Shine sheds light on the actions and events for the Earth on the Northern Rivers from the Lismore Environment Centre.
Please subscribe and share this podcast with your friends :-)
Feel free to rebroadcast on not for profit radio with proper attribution
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Follow us on Twitter @soshann
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Green Mayor, Failing Feds & Local news and events
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Vanessa Ekins - Lismore's freshly appointed Green Mayor reveals her vision for a cleaner more prosperous shire.
Dailan Pugh - Analysies what is going on with the federal government and their ongoing failure to fix the EPBC Act
Naomi Shine - Shines some light on local news and events from the Lismore Environment Centre
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageSaturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Sean O'Shannessy Interviews Professor Roberta Ryan on the Great Koala National Park Economic impact analysis and environmental benefit assessment (MUSIC: Twisted Folk "Too Precious to Plunder" - LockOn!)
Wendy Bacon speaks to Sean on her Lies, Debates, and Silences: How News Corp produces climate scepticism in Australia report (MUSIC: Mick Daley: "Miranda Devine's Adventures on the Vanilla Frontier" - Tiny Violins)
Bangalow Koalas protest meeting at Rifle Range Rd illegal development site
Jodi Adams reviews Ben Moore's new book "For the Love of Bees"
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageSunday Jan 31, 2021
Climate Crimes, Fossil Fools and Koala Killers exposed
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Eve Sinton - January edition of the Fossil Fool Bulletin
Ian Lowe - NEW REPORT: AUSTRALIA TAKES MASSIVE FINANCIAL HIT FROM CLIMATE CHANGE - Climate Council Report Hitting Home: The Compounding Costs of Climate Inaction.
Cate Faehrmann - NSW Koala Inquiry progress
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageMonday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Susie Russell & Dailan Pugh - NSW Renewable Energy Plan Fatally Flawed
Michael Mazengarb - January RenewEconomy Round up
Jim Beatson - Zombie Murder Rats
(Please subscribe and share)
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageTuesday Jan 19, 2021
Fossil Fools, Water Thieves, Nanas for Forests & Train Barons
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Eve Sinton - Fossil Fool Bulletin
Fossil Fool Bulletin is a resource for people working to end the fossil fuel era in Australia. It combines a fully referenced weekly news summary with original articles, presented as a PDF newsletter with live links. Fossil Fool Bulletin has been published weekly since November 2017 by journalist Eve Sinton of Focus Publications, who has 35 years of experience in journalism and publishing.
Ian Sutton - Murray Darling Basin United We Stand
"We the people of the Murray Darling Basin (MDB) have been disgusted in the way we have been betrayed, with the desecration, drainage and destruction of our ground water, river systems, wetlands and lakes. This has resulted in the devastation of our plants and animals, the expansion of desertification throughout the MDB, increased climate extremes and a rural economic collapse.
We have been protesting, rallying and lobbying successive government for over 30 years and in that time, we have been ignored. We feel that you no longer represent the people and instead are colluding with corporate interests to the detriment of our nation."
Peta Goodwin - Knitting Nanas for Native Forests (WA)
Native forest logging is not smart business. It is foolhardy, unsustainable and unnecessary. We need our wild forests for our children, for our grandchildren, for climate and for life. Nanas for Native Forest are determined to convince our leaders to stop this madness before it is too late.
Lydia Kindred - Secretary of Northern Rivers Rail Limited
(Please subscribe and share)
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageSunday Dec 20, 2020
Glad tidings, good cheer and hopes for a brighter future - Christmas Special
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Merry Xmas & Happy Summer Solstice everyone
-Councilor Vanessa Ekins will be giving us the good news on the decision of Rous County Council to not dam Dunoon
- Tim Buckley from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis shares his glad tidings for the transition to renewable prosperity and how China has decided it doesn't want our coal for Xmas
-Pablo Brait from Market Forces raises our spirits with the seasons good cheer on Lloyds of London decision to stop insuring fossil fools
- John Gertsakis from Ewaste Watch gives us the gift of sustainable consumer goods with right of repair
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageSunday Dec 13, 2020
Koala Killers setback - Biomass, platypus & gas actions
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Catherine Cusack, Mark Pearson, Justin Field and Cate Faehrmann all stood up and spoke against the koala killer bill in the NSW Legislative Council on the 19/11/2020 and their voices were heard. The bill was defeated, referred to committee and withdrawn by the government. A reprieve for our koalas and a big win for people power in NSW. Listen here to their speeches to parliament and Cate's sumation afterwards
Meanwhile people are outraged and taking action over our forests being thrown into the furnaces and called renewable energy at Condong Mill, our wildlife and cultural heritage being threatened with damming at Dunoon and Santos plans to release methane from under the PIliga forest and the Great Artesian Basin.
We have audio reports and interviews from all of them in this jam packed episode.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/environmental-as-anything/messageTuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Rational honest people understand and acknowledge that climate action brings massive economic benefits and failure to act creates much worse damage to our prosperity.
In this episode:
- Zali Steggall talks us through her proposed Climate Bill before the Federal Parliament that will remove the corruption from our energy debate and place us on track for a stable climate and economy.
- Mark McVeigh tells us about his David Vs. Goliath legal victory over his superannuation fund Rest.
- Deloitte Access Economics' Dr Phillip discusses the findings of their recent report "A new choice: Australia’s economy – and $680 billion in economic potential – relies on climate action"
- Blair Palese shares her insights into the possibilities for positive action in the first 100 days of the Biden Presidency.
- Simon Clough analyses Rous Water's underhanded tactics in pushing for its 19th C response to 21st C water problems.
All material in this podcast is Copyleft. It is freely available for rebroadcast for not for profit purposes with proper attribution
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
The #KoalaKiller Bill Gets People Out in the Streets
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Chris Gulaptus and Geoff Provest voted for the LLS Bill rammed through the NSW lower house on the 14th of October. Their actions along with the rest of the #KoalaKiller faction of the Berejiklian government is causing outrage amongst all who understand what has been done. The bill won't be passed into law until it passes the upper house so there is still a chance that voters can persuade our representatives to do their jobs and vote it down.
- NCEC President Jim Morrison and Grafton local Tim Watson speak to the crowd of voters outside Chris Gulaptus' office in Grafton (audio courtesy of Jimmy Malecki)
- Meg Nielsen from Celebrating Earth and Art interviews Susie Russell from the North East Forest Alliance
- Julie Beasley form Eco Futures interviews President of Northern Rivers Guardians Scott Sledge.
Feel free to share this with your networks as widely as possible online and on air.