Tune in to in depth interviews and reports featuring environmental leaders and experts exploring the challenges, solutions and opportunities for our threatened ecologies, climate and civilisation. Presented and produced by Sean O’Shannessy on Bundjalung Country Support the show on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/EnvironmentalAsAnything (Feel free to rebroadcast any content from this podcast for non commercial purposes with proper attribution) https://www.facebook.com/EnvironmentalAsAnything/ Tune in to the Environmental as Anything Show live on 92.9 River FM every Saturday 2-5pm AEST http://2ncr.org.au/streaming.html

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Sandy Greenwood on the Nambucca State Forest Protection movement
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Sandy Greenwood is a Gumbaynggir woman working to protect Nambucca State Forest from the threat of logging. She speaks to Environmental as Anything about the cultural and ecological significance of this extraordinary unburnt remnant of coastal forest and the community emerging to stand up for it.
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Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Meg Nielsen & Charlie Prell discuss Farmers for Climate Action's new report
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Meg Nielsen & Charlie Prell discuss Farmers for Climate Action's new report
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Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Meg Nielsen & Marion Lloyd Smith discuss the National Toxics Network
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Meg Nielsen & Marion Lloyd Smith discuss the National Toxics Network
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Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Emma Carmody explains the Murray Darling Basin Agreement
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Dr Emma Carmody, EDO Special Counsel and water law expert spoke to Environmental as Anything about "Are our water laws climate ready?"
(MUSIC: "Pure Water" - Songs of the Bentley Blockade)
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Monday Jun 15, 2020
Anna Christie speaks on the mythical jobs of the "Gas Lead Recovery"
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Anna Christie is an environmental advocate & educator who has been engaged in the fossil fuel front line for nearly 7 years, organising tours of the Narrabri region particularly the Leard and Pilliga Forests (which have been dedicated by the NSW government to coal mining and gas extraction) and field monitoring of coal and gas expansion in the Namoi Valley. Anna is a foundation member of the Australian Citizen Science Association and a co-founder of the Leard Forest Research Node. Since 2017, Anna has been a contributor to North West Protection Advocacy which has focused particularly on coal seam gas advocacy in NSW.
She spoke to Environmental as Anything about her recent article on the NW Protection Advocacy blog - "Portrait of a Gasfield Workforce – The Jobs Myth" in which she says that one of the gas industry’s cruellest and most poisonous false claims – that it will generate a jobs boom for Australia – is now threatening to undermine the good work of countless groups, individuals and business owners in moving towards a more sustainable future.
(Music "98.6%" from the Songs Of The Bentley Blockade CD)

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Meg Nielsen Interviews Bruce Robertson on the grim prospects of a gas led recovery
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Meg Nielsen Interviews IEEFA's Bruce Robertson on the realities of the so called "Gas Led Recovery"
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Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
With Covid19 restrictions being lifted the people of NSW are finding that while they have been restrained in their movements and behaviours the logging industry has not and the results are horrific. Myrtle State Forest just south of Casino was burned by the climate infernos last summer and now is threatened with imminent logging destruction. The North East Forest Alliance (NEFA) & Extinction Rebellion (XR) went out to bear witness to the forestry operations in progress there. Environmental as Anything was there to report.
MUSIC: Mark Laurent & Brenda Liddiard - Forest Song - Lock On! Songs To Save Australia's Forests
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Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Tim Buckley from IEEFA speaks to Environmental as Anything & exposes the fossil fuelled cronyism & magical thinking at the heart of Australia's plans for a "Gas Led Recovery"
(MUSIC: Luke Vassella - The Mighty Dollar - 01 The Word Is Out - https://lukevassella.bandcamp.com/album/the-mighty-dollar)
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Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Mel McAuliffe, who lived through the impacts of climate change during the Millennium drought on her family farm in Central Queensland speaks for from Youth Verdict on their groundbreaking case against Clive Palmer's Galilee coal mine proposal to Environmental as Anything.
The EDO website says "Youth Verdict is a group of brave young Australians who are challenging Clive Palmer’s proposed Galilee Coal Project in Queensland’s Land Court, arguing the mine will contribute to catastrophic climate change and increase the risk of bushfires, drought, floods, heatwaves and cyclones.
It’s a case that is set to make legal history; one that asks us to consider what kind of climate future we are leaving for future generations.
For the first time an Australian coal mine is being challenged on human rights grounds. It’s also the first climate case brought by young people in Australia. "
(MUSIC: "We Believe In Spirit" from the Bentley Blockade CD)
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Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Secrecy, a lack of accountability and stacked with unrepresentative fossil fools the National Covid Co-ordination Comission is a star chamber of Scott Morrisons hand picked mates and it looks likely they are heading in the opposite direction to the leap forward we need according to many commentators.
Lucy Manne spoke to Environmental as Anything top explain the situation and Sarah Hanson Young backed her comments.
Music: Mick Daley "Open Karma Surgery
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